INT. Ken’s room-Day
Ken open his eyes. He checks his phone quickly.
His phone display shows a mail just reached.
Ken :
I backed again.
Ken sigh a little and stare at his phone. He open a mail. A mail is about a date from girlfriend.
Ken smile a little, and then try not to cry. He hold a phone tightly.
Ravi laugh shortly. Ken look back to Ravi.
Ken :
You backed, too.
Ravi :
As usual.
Ken :
I know it.
Ravi :
You got the key to escape the hell of repeat?
Ken :
I couldn’t been understand what you mean. What’s the key?
Ravi :
I also don’t know. It’s up to you. You are the only man to find it. Don’t waste of time.
Ken :
I know. I’ll go right now. You go with me?
Ravi :
No way. I have things to do. See you.
(Humming) Almost blue Monday…
Ravi go out of the room. Ken notice the sound of his phone.
Ken answer the call. It is from his girlfriend.
Ken :
Hi, um tomorrow? Okay..i know. I love you,too.
Ken get off the phone. Ken look at the photos at the shelf.
Ken’s voice :
She will die tomorrow. Close to me. Because of an accident.
It has been repeated again and again.
Because I got the ability to back the past since we’ve got the accident.
I tried to stop the accident every time, but I couldn’t.
Why? The situation was not same every time.
So she died, then I back the past, repeat, repeat, repeat…
That man said I have to find the key to escape the repeat.
Ken :
Key… what’s the key?
EXT. Street-Day
Ken walk the street. He notice the song “Ravi hummed”(Leo hammed).
Leo walk through the street near Ken.
Ken look back. He find a flower ball(herbarium glass ball of preserved flower bouquet. Flowers are blue rose, nigella, snowdrop.) in storefront of flower shop.
N as a flower shop manager speak to Ken.
N :
It’s a handmade, so there’s no same one in the world.
And it’s a miracle flower ball. It bring happiness for you.
At the moment Ken is going to touch the flower ball, Hyuk touch the flower ball.
They look at them each other.
Hyuk :
Sorry. But I have a date. If you can, may I get it?
Ken :
Of course.
Hyuk smile, and hand flower ball and money to N.
Hyuk :
Hi, please do as usual.
N :
For present, right? Wait a minute.
Hyuk :
Hyuk look at Ken. N begin to prepare a gift box for flower ball.
Hyuk :
Thank you. I’ll treat you to some tea in return for your favor.
Ken :
No, no way..! I don’t do nothing for you..
Hyuk :
It’s a kind of fate. And tell the truth, I want you to hear about me. So please..
Ken :
Umm.. I have no time, though..
Hyuk :
Oh, please..
N :
He’s finding a key of story.
Ken look at N.
Ken :
N :
He’s a writer of novel.
Hyuk :
I’m not yet. But I got a good story this time.
But I need something more to be a good one…
N :
Please help him.
Hyuk :
Yes, please. If I talk to someone, I may got a good idea! So please..!!
Ken :
N :
That’s good. It’s a gift to kind man.
N gives a flower (golden bells) corsage to Ken.
Ken :
Thank you.
N :
Have this anytime, there would be happiness.
N put the corsage on Ken’s clothes.
Ken smile unnaturally.
Ken :
N hand a clear box of flower ball to Hyuk.
Here to you.
Hyuk :
Thanks! Well, let’s go before you change your mind.
Hyuk and Ken leave. N stop smiling, and look at them seriously.
INT. Café-Day
Hyuk and Ken are taking a seat.
Hyuk :
Really thank you for coming with me.
Ken :
Never mind.
Hyuk :
Well, please listen. My story is about a man and a woman.
Ken :
Hyuk :
He can’t be with her now.
Ken :
Like “Romeo and Juliet”?
Hyuk : that. But he’s really happy.
Ken :
Hyuk :
Ken :
Hyuk :
He trust her love. He knows how she think without being together.
Ken :
It’s interesting…
Hyuk :
Thank you!
Ken :
However, it’s too..
Hyuk :
Ken : that.
Hyuk :
Ha ha..maybe. but he believe her words.
She always said “we’re always together.
Don’t lose yourself, for not to stand with back to real.
For the future with smile.” So he decided to be happy.
He’s happy with her words.
Ken :
Well, they are really good partner each other. But the real is not so easy..
Hyuk :
Ken :
Oh..!..sorry! I mean..
Hyuk :
No. I’m glad to hear the honesty words. Don’t mind.
Ken :
Hyuk :
So, how do you think about the story? What should I plus for reality?
Ken :
What..!?’s a ..
Hyuk :
It’s an important point as you said. I need a reality for this story!
Ken : don’t know..sorry. I’ve never written any
Ken tried to have a cup, and drop it.
Hyuk stand up quickly, and pick up the broken cup.
Hyuk :
Oh! Are you OK? Don’t worry. I bring a new one, wait here.
Ken :
No! it’s ok..i do..
Hyuk :
Don’t worry. It’s my falt. I did a stupid question.
But please think of it until I’ll back.
Ken :
Hyuk leave. Ken sigh a little.
Ravi :
How about “death”?
Ken got surprise and look back. Ravi sit on Ken’s back seat.
Ravi :
Ken :
I got surprised.
Ravi :
You talk about interesting story.
Ken :
Ravi :
I think the reality is “death”. As you know, death is a heavy reality.
But feel the death, people can see the value of everything.
Everything has limit, and it can’t be decided by themselves. So..
Ken :
Wha..i can’t understand what you mean..
So, you didn’t come with me. Drinking tea is what you wanted to do?
Ravi :
I just had a break. Well, I gotta go. Anyway think about my idea.
Ravi left. Ken sigh and look at the spilt tea and small parts of cup.
♪1.♪ Dizzy(Ken,Hongbin,Ravi)
EXT. Ken’s reminiscence
(Hongbin’s act. Up to nose of his face isn’t taken.)-Dark side
Car’s flashlight light up the road. Blood spread on the street slowly. Foot approach to it slowly.
A man (Hongbin) get on knees on the ground, and touch the blood.
Tears drop on the blood. He is crying. His mouth are trembling.
His hand move to woman’s body. He shake her body. He call her name loudly many times.
He hold his clothes around his heart. He hit himself strongly a few times. He still crying.
He breathe hard.
A broken flower ball lies on his shoes. He continue to call her name many times.
He look up the sky, and watch the moon. He whisper to the moon, ”please, please…”
Moon hide slowly. He hold his head, and begin to cry bitterly.
Moon disappear. He stand up slowly and weekly. He suddenly long-screamed loudly.
After that he down to the ground. His hand approach to woman’s hand and hold it.
He smile weakly.
A man (Leo) in black across the street near the Hongbin. He has a knife and disappear to the dark side.
Hongbin look at the sky. He doesn’t move. Hongbin’s eye (focus)
Ken’s eye (focus). He sit on the chair at café on daytime. He hold his head, and shake.
♪1.♪ -end-
INT. Café-Day
Ken hold his hand, and look at the table. Hyuk put his hand on Ken’s shoulder.
Hyuk :
Got something good?
Ken look up Hyuk quickly with a little surprise. Hyuk smile to Ken.
Ken : Sorry.
Hyuk sit down.
Hyuk :
Well, I got something. How about the “time”?
Ken :
Hyuk :
Yes. Thanks of you, I got it.
Ken :
Hyuk :
Yes. You dropped the cup of tea. Cup was broken and tea was gone.
But see it, we can get new one.
Hyuk put the cap on the desk front of Ken.
Hyuk :
Ken :
But it’s not the same. It’s no use crying over spilt tea.
Hyuk :
Well, right. But I don’t forget it.
They gives a happy moment and make us to notice what is important.
Ken :
What you mean..
Hyuk :
Well, I think everything has meaning to happen.
Um, must have…everything must have a meaning to happen.
For new future, I think. Because people don’t have the power to back the past.
As you said, it’s no use crying over spilt tea.
Ken :
If he has the power…
Hyuk :
It’s the fantasy.
Ken :
Hyuk :
Ken :
Um, well…right, you’re right. I’m just joking.
Hyuk :
Thanks of you, I got a good idea.
Ken :
I didn’t do nothing..
Hyuk :
No. Thank you.
Ken :
By the way..
Hyuk :
Ken :
You sung something on the street?
Hyuk :
Ken :
Yeah, about weekdays..Monday is something,
Hyuk :
No. It’s not me.
Ken :
Um..I thought so..
Hyuk :
What’s the matter about Monday?
Ken :
No I just…
Hyuk :
You also think Monday is blue Monday?
Ken :
Hyuk :
Well, I gotta go. Thank you for your help today. See you again.
Hyuk stand up.
Ken :
Hyuk :
Please drink the tea that I bring for you. It’s really good.
Hyuk leave. Ken sigh. Ken find Hyuk’s flower ball box.
Ken take this in a hurry and go out of the café.
Ken :
Hey! You forgot…!!
Ken can’t find Hyuk. Ken look at the box in his hand.
Ken :
How should I do..?